Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch Iceweasel with brand new profile. I deleted ~/.mozilla folder for that. 2. Observe the default New Tab page. Expected results: New Tab page shows and links (in my understanding, recommends) only resources that follow Parabola Social Contract. Actual results: New Tab shows the following: 1. "Sign in to Sync" and "Sign up for Alerts" links/buttons that open Firefox Sync and Firefox Monitor websites accordingly. The first page doesn't load without JavaScript, and not sure what's the license of the code. The second one works without JS and has a link to the MPL-2.0 licensed code. Not sure if these are OK for Parabola. 2. "Download Mobile Browser" link/button that opens download page of Firefox for iOS and Android. Firefox is non-free, according to Parabola blacklist. 3. Logo in the search field for DuckDuckGo is copyrighted, see [1]. 4. Logos of YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, Amazon, and Twitter impose usage, modification, and other restrictions. See [2] - [7]. 5. Not sure about Wikipedia logo, looks like it's under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. 6. I didn't dig into licensing of JavaScript all these websites serve. AFAIK, only Wikipedia might have all JS libre-licensed. Others have proprietary bits (please correct me if I'm wrong). Note: logos listed above show even if the machine has no Internet access and new profile has been created offline, so it looks like they are embedded in the package. Tested using package: x86_64 Libre iceweasel 1:69.0-1.parabola1 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]