*- installing the keyrings* By OpenRC:basic installation [[https://wiki.parabola.nu/OpenRC#Basic_installation]] :
# pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring archlinuxarm-keyring parabola-keyring
# pacman -U https://repo.parabola.nu/core/os/i686/archlinux32-keyring-transition-20190108-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
that last link is broken, so I checked the repo and found latest package with similar pattern is this: [[https://repo.parabola.nu/core/os/i686/archlinux32-keyring-transition-20200408-1-any.pkg.tar.zst]] So I installed that, but it complained about conflict: "archlinux32-keyring-transition and archlinux32-keyring are in conflict" I decided to removed last. That just was not clear what to do with that. Was that right move? *- installing networkmanager:* I obviously use both OpenRC with elogind, and [[https://wiki.parabola.nu/OpenRC]] says I need networkmanager-openrc or networkmanager-elogind (unsure one of them or both). At the same time I followed [[https://wiki.parabola.nu/Installation_Guide#Install_a_network_manager]] before knowing that and installed just networkmanager. Both networkmanager-openrc and networkmanager-elogind are missing from repos. But somehow networkmanager did it's job, or maybe pacstrap copied openrc script from ISO, so I was able to add it with: _rc-update add NetworkManager default_, just like in wiki. Don't know if it'll work. *- adding openrc services:* And here is where I am stuck atm. I tried:
rc-update add lvm boot
* rc-update: service `lvm` does not exist
There is lvm2-openrc in repository, but it fails to install:
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "eudev-openrc", a dependency of "device-mapper-openrc"
warning: cannot resolve "device-mapper-openrc", a dependency of "lvm2-openrc"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
Next should have been:
rc-update add dmcrypt boot
* rc-update: service `dmcrypt` does not exist
So I thought I should have installed cryptsetup package and checked that. While checking I noticed, that it belongs to base-openrc, which I was installing with pacstrap before... Here I did
pacman-key --refresh-keys
just for reassurance, and tried:
pacman -Sy base-openrc
(checked all) In short, *eudev-openrc, device-mapper-openrc, udev-init-scripts are all missing from pcr repo.* (see pic)