Hello! I just migrated from parabola systemd to openrc following this guide: https://wiki.parabola.nu/OpenRC. Everything apparently seems to be working fine except I can't connect to tor network anymore. When I start Icecat browser it notifies it connect to tor network. I had Midori set to socks5:// which also isn't working after upgrade. And I'm also unable to start tor service in the backgrond (which I use with torsocks and proxychains). So I assume the problem is with /etc/hosts file. So I followed this Gentoo wiki guide: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/System#Host_and_domain_information. So this was my /etc/hosts file before:

# Static table lookup for hostnames.
# See hosts(5) for details.
"pandora" is my hostname. Now my /etc/hosts looks like this:     pandora.localdomain pandora localhost
It seems I've not done this correct, cause the problem still persists. I'd really appreciate some help.