


SystemD references in Arch packages on OpenRC systems

Zuss - almost 2 years ago -

Installing various packages on Parabola with OpenRC as its init system sometimes leads to warnings being shown.
The upstream Arch package might include references to SystemD, which OpenRC systems can't execute, examples include:
.install files call systemd-sysusers
Hook files try to restart a service using the systemctl restart command
Logrotate files try to execute systemctl restart as well

For the most part, the package will still work normally, it just requires manual intervention from time to time.
What should parabola do in these cases?
One possible solution would be to recreate the packages for [nonsystemd], but that will increase the workload on Parabola.

Replies (1)

SystemD references in Arch packages on OpenRC systems - bill-auger - almost 2 years ago -

i have seen some too; but none that caused a problem
