


Completely Libre USB WiFi Adapters?

not_a_robot - about 3 years ago -

Any recommendations for a completely free USB WiFi adapter? From what I've seen, these two are the only ones, and they both cost about £50, which is very expensive:
I don't have access to ethernet all the time, and an internet connection is crucial for me, but I can't buy these adapters, as they're very expensive. Non-free ones usually cost between £5 to £15, so why are these so expensive? Are there any cheaper ones?

Replies (3)

Completely Libre USB WiFi Adapters? - bill-auger - about 3 years ago -

sure there are; but you need to find them - the older the
hardware is, the more likely it is to have a working libre
driver - if you find some inexpensive or used one, just look
it up on h-node, and/or ask the seller which linux module it
uses, or ask which radio chip-set it has and look that up
on h-node

i noticed that olimex has some very inexpensive ones; but i dont
know which driver they use - it would be nice to know; because
they are very inexpensive

RE: Completely Libre USB WiFi Adapters? - bill-auger - about 3 years ago -

i believe that i found a suitable and inexpensive USB wifi - the website mentions explicitly, that it is compatible with Linux-libre
