


Update Fails Due to Lua53 LGI

poisson-aerohead - about 2 years ago -

I am just running a generic pacman system update (-Syu) and it fails about halfway through. See the attached file.

I checked again that the repository list (the -y portion of the command) is up to date. As you can see, several other files updated, so pacman seems to be working. The 404 errors make me think this is just a version typo or something?

This is just a personal laptop and I keep it pretty much up to date so this is not critical for me to get fixed, but I thought I would make people aware of it. Let me know if I should post this elsewhere.

Note, despite the reported errors, I believe harfbuzz did download. It is lua53-lgi that has failed now several times.

update-err.txt (2.46 KB) update-err.txt Relevant portion of Pacman output.

Replies (4)

RE: Update Fails Due to Lua53 LGI - bill-auger - about 2 years ago -

this should be a bug report - it is probably not a special user error, which needs troubleshooting - pacman errors are usually the same for everyone, and are almost always a bug for the maintainers to fix

one thing i noticed in update-err.txt, is that you have several mirrors enabled, which do not exist anymore - it probably means that your mirrorlist needs updating - that is not the cause of the problem described in the OP; but it is the only special advice WRT "troubleshooting" - the simple way to correct that:

# pacman -Sy pacman-mirrorlist
# mv /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

RE: Update Fails Due to Lua53 LGI - bill-auger - about 2 years ago -

for those interested, follow or "watch" the bug report #3179

RE: Update Fails Due to Lua53 LGI - poisson-aerohead - about 2 years ago -

Thanks. I actually already had a pacnew mirrorlist. My mirrorlist is dated June 2 2018 and the pacnew one is dated Dec 11. I guess maybe the -Sy switch makes a new mirrorlist if one is available? Anyway, I did not know that this was not actually being put into use as a part of the updates.

RE: Update Fails Due to Lua53 LGI - bill-auger - about 2 years ago -

the mirrorlist is never modified automatically; but mirrors do change over time - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist will be modified automatically, kept up-to-date by pacman - each user must look for all .pacnew and .pacsave files (usually under /etc) and merge in changes manually

.pacnew files are new changes that pacman installed. but disabled
.pacsave files are backup copies of previous files, which pacman modify automatically (installed and enabled) -

each differences of all .pacnew and .pacsave files should be manually merged into its' active counterpart - this command will locate them:

$ find /etc -name '*.pacnew' -or -name '*.pacsave'
