


Icecat not supporting add-ons

xrld - almost 3 years ago -


I'm currently using Icecat (78.9.0_pre-2) and I'm trying to use add-ons. I tried isntalling icecat-addons package that contains few extensions (like icecat-vimperator version 3.16.0-1 or icecat-noscript version 11.0.26-1), but none of them is accessible through Add-ons Manager.

I wonder if there's a way to fix this issue. Maybe these addons aren't supported in this browser's version anymore?

Replies (2)

RE: Icecat not supporting add-ons - xrld - almost 3 years ago -

That worked, thank you for the suggestion. It seems that it is the problem of browser version, indeed.
