


Bug #3177

[archlinux32-keyring]: prevents system upgrade (along with a few other concerns)

Jetpack - about 2 years ago - . Updated about 2 years ago.

% Done:



I can't upgrade my system because pacman has a new dependency (archlinux32-keyring) which is signed with a key that is not available in pacman-keyring.

  • steps to reproduce:
    1) # pacman -Syyu
  • expected result:
    System upgrade with no errors
  • actual result:
    pacman fails to upgrade the system at the signature check stage: archlinux32-keyring signature is unknown trust
  • have tried unsuccessfully: * running `pacman-key --refresh-keys`; gpg exits with "Server indicated a failure" error * cleaning pacman cache, completely updating repositories, reinstalling parabola-keyring * manually running `pacman-key --populate parabola` manually

What is odd to me is this pacman dependency. The wiki states that archlinuxarm-keyring is only required for ARM users and archlinux32-keyring is for i386 users. Why are x86_64 users required to install these?

Another issue is the keyserver used by pacman-key, ``. It works on HTTP, but not on HTTPS. I am not sure if the Parabola devs chose this specific keyserver or if it was Arch Linux's, but I thought I'd just let people here know about this.



Updated by Jetpack about 2 years ago

I forgot to link the wiki page that states the target users for those keyrings: I can't edit the original issue so I'll just link it here.

I should also mention that I tried to run pacman-key with the MIT keyserver (hkps:// and the Cyberbits one (hkps:// and they also give the same error.


Updated by bill-auger about 2 years ago

  • Assignee set to bill-auger
  • Status changed from unconfirmed to confirmed
  • Subject changed from Missing key on parabola-keyring prevents system upgrade (along with a few other concerns) to [archlinux32-keyring]: prevents system upgrade (along with a few other concerns)

archlinux32-keyring 20220131-1.1.parabola1 fixes this

archlinux32-keyring is needed because there are some packages which come from archlinux32 (PCMCIA support for example)

normally, parabola users never need to run `pacman-key --referesh`, nor to contact any keyserver - it is best avoided, and easily avoided, by installing new keyring packages, as they become available - it is useful only very rarely, if pacman's keyring is broken entirely - even in that case, --refresh is usually not needed to repair the keyring

your situation was due to a missing keyring package - all that any parabola user needed to do, was to open a bug report about it, and wait for the fix - i packaged it a few days ago and forgot to publish it - that is corrected now


Updated by bill-auger about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from confirmed to fixed

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