


Bug #3446

Updated by bill-auger about 1 year ago

* steps to reproduce:


Using a working install of murmur upgrade via the usual pacman -Syu and say yes/y to the replacement of the package murmur with mumble server.


As requested consolidate the relevant config into the from the murmur.ini to the mumble-server.ini, then copy or move the /var/db/murmur/murmur.sqlite file to /var/lib/mumble-server/mumble-server.sqlite and make sure that the _mumble-server system user is able to access the ssl certs.
** -- Start mumble using either the systemd unit or the mumble-server -fg -in ... (etc) command, both continue fine until it reads the following:

Feb 09 20:05:52 hostname mumble-server[3783]: mumble-server: /build/mumble/src/mumble-1.5.517/src/MumbleProtocol.cpp:370:
void Mumble::Protocol::UDP>AudioEncoder<role>::preparePreEncodedSnippets() [with Mumble::Protocol::Role role = Mumble::Protocol::Role::Server]:
Assertion `successful' failed.

Whilst systemd shows the mumble-server unit as active, the server is not responsive or seemingly operational and top shows fairly high cpu usage (perhaps looping?).

Downgrading back to murmur fixes the issue
