


ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net

sam - about 2 months ago -

Hello . After installing the system I get an error

ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net

Please tell me why it appears and how to solve this problem. Thank you.

Replies (6)

RE: ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net - bill-auger - about 2 months ago -

is it a problem? - is there some feature of the OS which you would like to use, but that does not work as expected?

also, if there is a problem, you would need to describe which "the system" that you installed - there is not only one "the parabola system" - for example, if you installed systemd vs openrc, that error could be indicating something very different - it would also be important to know which arch (eg: x86_64) - it may also be important to know which ISO you used, and when you installed

RE: ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net - sam - about 2 months ago -

Hello Bill.
Thank you for your answer .
Sorry for not informing me about the installation. I installed ISO Parabola Net Install with OpenRC +Luks1 (boot) .
I have an Internet connection and can update the system and download programs. I would like to understand what this error means and why it appeared after installation in order to correct my installation.

# pacstrap /mnt libelogind openrc
# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel dhcpcd openssh-openrc net-tools lvm2 cryptsetup nano grub doas linux-libre-lts

RE: ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net - bill-auger - about 2 months ago -

offhand, the message seems to be suggesting that some program wants to start the 'netmount' service, but it will not start because the 'net' service is not running or is not available - so maybe try starting the 'net' service - if it is successful, try adding it to the default runlevel

i do not have a 'net' service; but the 'netmount' service is running

$ rc-service -l | grep net

$ for service in $(rc-service -l | grep net) ; do echo -n "$service " ; rc-service $service status ; done 
net-online  * status: stopped
net.lo  * status: started
netmount  * status: started
network  * status: stopped
xinetd  * status: stopped

ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net - sam - about 2 months ago -

Hello . Thanks for the answer .

I checked your command:

$ for service in $(rc-service -l | grep net) ; do echo -n "$service " ; rc-service $service status ; done 

all services are disabled.

net-online  * status: stopped
net.lo  * status:    stopped
netmount  * status:  stopped

I tried running net.lo and adding it to the download, but it didn't work either.
I thought maybe the problem is due to the fact that I did not install networkmanager , but installed dhcpcd instead?
When I try to check the dhcpcd status I can't do it..

$ rc-service dhcpcd status
rc-service: service 'dhcpcd' does not exist 

but I can update the system and download programs

$ $ doas dhcpcd eth0 

$ doas pacman -Syu 

ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net - sam - about 2 months ago -

I found on the site that this is Bug #3030
This bug was discovered 3 years ago!
But I don't see what's the solution??

ERROR: netmount needs service(s) net - sam - about 2 months ago -

I found this solution somewhere on the Internet, but I’m not sure it’s correct. There was no error after booting the system

tells that your network didn't start. That's eth0.

eth0 is there but its not started.

Make a symlink in /etc/init.d/ that links net.eth0 to net.lo. Now add net.eth0 to the default runlevel.

# login: root
# passwd ****

root # cd /etc/init.d
root # ln -s net.lo net.eth0
root # rc-update add net.eth0 default 

this solution automatically enables the interface
and I see a message when loading

 * config_rth0 not specified; defaulting to DHCP 